The Plant List — A working list for all plant species

⚠ Version 1 of The Plant List has been superseded.

You should refer instead to the current version of The Plant List.


The genus Anthemis is in the family Compositae in the major group Angiosperms (Flowering plants).

Statistics are at the end of the page.

Species in Anthemis

See "Status", "Confidence level", "Source" for definitions.

Sort the name records using the clickable table header buttons.

Name Status Confi­dence level Source
Anthemis aaronsohnii Eig Accepted M TICA
Anthemis abrotanifolia (Willd.) Guss. Accepted M TICA
Anthemis abylaea (Font Quer & Maire) Oberpr. Accepted M TICA
Anthemis aciphylla Boiss. Accepted M TICA
Anthemis adonidifolia Boiss. Accepted M TICA
Anthemis × adulterina Wallr. ex Hallier Accepted M TICA
Anthemis aeolica Lojac. Accepted M TICA
Anthemis aetnensis Schouw ex Spreng. Accepted M TICA
Anthemis aliezrae Accepted M TICA
Anthemis alpestris (Hoffmanns. & Link) R.Fern. Accepted M TICA
Anthemis altissima L. Accepted M TICA
Anthemis ammanthus Greuter Accepted M TICA
Anthemis ammophila Boiss. & Heldr. Accepted M TICA
Anthemis anthemiformis (Freyn & Sint.) Grierson Accepted M TICA
Anthemis arenicola Boiss. Accepted M TICA
Anthemis argyrophylla (Halácsy & Georgiev) Velen. Accepted M TICA
Anthemis arvensis L. Accepted M TICA
Anthemis atropatana Iranshahr Accepted M TICA
Anthemis auriculata Boiss. Accepted M TICA
Anthemis austriaca Jacq. Accepted M TICA
Anthemis austroiranica "Rech.f., Aellen & Esfand." Accepted M TICA
Anthemis ballii Stapf Accepted M TICA
Anthemis behboudiana Rech.f. & Esfand. Accepted M TICA
Anthemis bollei Sch.Bip. Accepted M TICA
Anthemis boveana J.Gay Accepted M TICA
Anthemis brachycarpa Eig Accepted M TICA
Anthemis brachycentra J.Gay Accepted L TICA
Anthemis brachystephana Bornm. & Gauba Accepted M TICA
Anthemis brevicuspis Bornm. Accepted M TICA
Anthemis breviradiata Eig Accepted M TICA
Anthemis bushehrica Iranshahr Accepted M TICA
Anthemis calcarea Sosn. Accepted M TICA
Anthemis candidissima Willd. ex Spreng. Accepted M TICA
Anthemis chia L. Accepted M TICA
Anthemis chrysantha J.Gay Accepted M TICA
Anthemis × chrysanthemum Accepted M TICA
Anthemis chrysoleuca J.Gay ex Fisch. & C.A.Mey. Accepted M TICA
Anthemis confusa Pomel Accepted M TICA
Anthemis cornucopiae Boiss. Accepted M TICA
Anthemis corymbulosa Boiss. & Hausskn. Accepted M TICA
Anthemis cotula L. Accepted M TICA
Anthemis cretica L. Accepted M TICA
Anthemis cuneata Hub.-Mor. & Reese Accepted M TICA
Anthemis cyrenaica Coss. Accepted M TICA
Anthemis davisii Yavin Accepted M TICA
Anthemis deserticola Krasch. & Popov Accepted M TICA
Anthemis dicksoniae Ghafoor Accepted M TICA
Anthemis didymaea Mouterde Accepted M TICA
Anthemis edumea Eig Accepted M TICA
Anthemis emasensis Eig Accepted M TICA
Anthemis euxina Boiss. Accepted M TICA
Anthemis filicaulis (Boiss. & Heldr.) Greuter Accepted M TICA
Anthemis fimbriata Boiss. Accepted M TICA
Anthemis freitagii Iranshahr Accepted M TICA
Anthemis fruticulosa M.Bieb. Accepted M TICA
Anthemis fumariifolia Boiss. Accepted M TICA
Anthemis fungosa Boiss. & Hausskn. Accepted M TICA
Anthemis gharbensis Oberpr. Accepted M TICA
Anthemis gilanica Bornm. & Gauba Accepted M TICA
Anthemis gillettii Iranshahr Accepted M TICA
Anthemis glaberrima (Rech.f.) Greuter Accepted M TICA
Anthemis glareosa E.A.Durand & Barratte Accepted M TICA
Anthemis gracilis Iranshahr Accepted M TICA
Anthemis hamrinensis Iranshahr Accepted M TICA
Anthemis handel-mazzettii Eig Accepted M TICA
Anthemis haussknechtii Boiss. & Reut. Accepted M TICA
Anthemis hebronica Boiss. & Kotschy Accepted M TICA
Anthemis hemistephana Boiss. Accepted M TICA
Anthemis hermonis Eig Accepted M TICA
Anthemis hirtella C.Winkl. Accepted M TICA
Anthemis homalolepis Eig Accepted M TICA
Anthemis homogamos (Maire) Humphries Accepted M TICA
Anthemis hyalina DC. Accepted M TICA
Anthemis hydruntina H. Groves Accepted M TICA
Anthemis indurata Delile Accepted M TICA
Anthemis iranica Parsa Accepted M TICA
Anthemis ismelia Lojac. Accepted M TICA
Anthemis kandaharica Iranshahr Accepted M TICA
Anthemis karacae Güner Accepted M TICA
Anthemis kermanica Parsa Accepted M TICA
Anthemis kotschyana Boiss. Accepted M TICA
Anthemis kruegeriana Pamp. Accepted M TICA
Anthemis laconica Franzén Accepted M TICA
Anthemis leptophylla Eig Accepted M TICA
Anthemis leucanthemifolia Boiss. & Blanche Accepted M TICA
Anthemis leucolepis Eig Accepted M TICA
Anthemis lithuanica (DC.) Besser ex Trautv. Accepted M TICA
Anthemis lorestanica Iranshahr Accepted M TICA
Anthemis macedonica Boiss. & Orph. Accepted M TICA
Anthemis macrotis (Rech.f.) Oberpr. & Vogt Accepted M TICA
Anthemis maris-mortui Eig Accepted M TICA
Anthemis maritima L. Accepted M TICA
Anthemis maroccana Batt. & Pit. Accepted M TICA
Anthemis marschalliana Willd. Accepted M TICA
Anthemis mauritiana Maire & Sennen Accepted M TICA
Anthemis mazandaranica Iranshahr Accepted M TICA
Anthemis melampodina Delile Accepted M TICA
Anthemis melanacme Boiss. & Hausskn. Accepted M TICA
Anthemis meteorica Hausskn. ex Nyman Accepted M TICA
Anthemis micrantha Boiss. & Hausskn. Accepted M TICA
Anthemis microcephala (Schrenk) B.Fedtsch. Accepted M TICA
Anthemis microlepis Eig Accepted M TICA
Anthemis microsperma Boiss. & Kotschy Accepted M TICA
Anthemis mirheydari Iranshahr Accepted M TICA
Anthemis moghanica Iranshahr Accepted M TICA
Anthemis monilicostata Pomel Accepted M TICA
Anthemis muricata (DC.) Guss. Accepted M TICA
Anthemis nabataea Eig Accepted M TICA
Anthemis × ochroleuca L.F.Čelak. Accepted M TICA
Anthemis odontostephana Boiss. Accepted M TICA
Anthemis parnassica (Boiss. & Heldr.) R.Fernandes Accepted L TICA
Anthemis parthenioides Benth. ex Hornem. Accepted M TICA
Anthemis parthenoides Bernh. Accepted M TICA
Anthemis parvifolia Eig Accepted M TICA
Anthemis parviloba Accepted M TICA
Anthemis patentissima Eig Accepted M TICA
Anthemis pauciloba Boiss. Accepted M TICA
Anthemis pectinata Bory & Chaub. Accepted M TICA
Anthemis peduncularis Benth. & Hook.f. ex B.D.Jacks. Accepted M TICA
Anthemis peregrina L. Accepted M TICA
Anthemis persepolitana Boiss. Accepted M TICA
Anthemis persica Boiss. Accepted M TICA
Anthemis pindicola Heldr. ex Halácsy Accepted M TICA
Anthemis plebeia Boiss. & Noë Accepted M TICA
Anthemis plutonia Meikle Accepted M TICA
Anthemis pseudocotula Boiss. Accepted M TICA
Anthemis pulvinata "Brullo, Scelsi & Spamp." Accepted M TICA
Anthemis punctata Vahl Accepted M TICA
Anthemis pungens Yavin Accepted M TICA
Anthemis rascheyana Boiss. Accepted M TICA
Anthemis retusa Delile Accepted M TICA
Anthemis rhodensis Boiss. Accepted M TICA
Anthemis rhodocentra Iranshahr Accepted M TICA
Anthemis rigida (Sibth. & Sm.) Boiss. ex Heldr. Accepted L TICA
Anthemis rosea Sm. Accepted M TICA
Anthemis rumelica (Velen.) Stoj. & Acht. Accepted M TICA
Anthemis ruthenica M.Bieb. Accepted M TICA
Anthemis scariosa Banks & Sol. Accepted M TICA
Anthemis schizostephana Boiss. & Hausskn. Accepted M TICA
Anthemis scrobicularis Yavin Accepted M TICA
Anthemis secundiramea Biv. Accepted M TICA
Anthemis sheilae Ghafoor & Al-Turki Accepted M TICA
Anthemis sintenisii Freyn Accepted M TICA
Anthemis sterilis Steven Accepted M TICA
Anthemis stiparum Pomel Accepted M TICA
Anthemis straussii Bornm. Accepted M TICA
Anthemis subcinerea (Rouy) Rouy Accepted M TICA
Anthemis susiana Nábělek Accepted M TICA
Anthemis taubertii E.A.Durand & Barratte Accepted M TICA
Anthemis tenuicarpa Eig Accepted M TICA
Anthemis tenuiflora Gilli Accepted M TICA
Anthemis tenuisecta Ball Accepted M TICA
Anthemis tigrensis J.Gay ex A.Rich. Accepted M TICA
Anthemis tinctoria L. Accepted M TICA
Anthemis tomentella Greuter Accepted M TICA
Anthemis tomentosa Boiss. Accepted M TICA
Anthemis tricolor Boiss. Accepted M TICA
Anthemis tricornis Eig Accepted M TICA
Anthemis tripolitana Boiss. & Blanche Accepted M TICA
Anthemis triumfetti (L.) All. Accepted M TICA
Anthemis trotzkiana Claus Accepted M TICA
Anthemis tubicina Boiss. & Hausskn. Accepted M TICA
Anthemis ubensis Pomel Accepted M TICA
Anthemis virescens Velen. Accepted M TICA
Anthemis wallii Hub.-Mor. & Reese Accepted M TICA
Anthemis werneri Stoj. & Acht. Accepted M TICA
Anthemis wettsteiniana Hand.-Mazz. Accepted M TICA
Anthemis wiemanniana Fisch. & C.A.Mey. Accepted L TICA
Anthemis xylopoda O.Schwarz Accepted M TICA
Anthemis yemensis Podlech Accepted M TICA
Anthemis zaianica Oberpr. Accepted M TICA
Anthemis zoharyana Eig Accepted M TICA
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The Plant List includes 703 scientific plant names of species rank for the genus Anthemis. Of these 172 are accepted species names.

The Plant List includes a further 284 scientific plant names of infraspecific rank for the genus Anthemis. We do not intend The Plant List to be complete for names of infraspecific rank. These are primarily included because names of species rank are synonyms of accepted infraspecific names.

Species names

The status of the 703 species names for the genus Anthemis recorded in The Plant List, are as follows:

Status Total
Accepted 172 24.5%
Synonym 436 62.0%
Unplaced 0 0%
Unassessed 95 13.5%

All names

The status of the 987 names (including infraspecific names) for the genus Anthemis recorded in The Plant List, are as follows:

Status Total
Accepted 221 22.4%
Synonym 658 66.7%
Unplaced 0 0%
Unassessed 108 10.9%

Of these names,

The confidence with which the status of the 703 species names recorded in The Plant List for the genus Anthemis, are assigned as follows:

Confidence level Accepted Synonym Unplaced Unassessed Total
High confidence 0 0 0 0 0 0%
Medium confidence 168 336 0 0 504 71.7%
Low confidence 4 100 0 95 199 28.3%

The source of the species name record found in The Plant List for the genus Anthemis, are as follows:

Source of record Accepted Synonym Unplaced Unassessed Misapplied Total
TICA 172 435 0 94 0 701 99.7%
Tropicos 0 1 0 1 0 2 0.3%