The Plant List — A working list for all plant species

⚠ Version 1.1 of The Plant List has been superseded and should no longer be used.

The new version is available at The new version is enhanced, using more data sources including Taxonomic Expert Networks and will be more frequently updated.

H Desmoncus orthacanthos Mart. is an accepted name

This name is the accepted name of a species in the genus Desmoncus (family Arecaceae).

The record derives from WCSP (data supplied on ) which reports it as an accepted name (record 60404) with original publication details: Hist. Nat. Palm. 2: 87 1824.


See "Status", "Confidence level", "Source" for definitions.

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Name Status Confi­dence level Source Date supplied
Atitara ataxacantha (Barb.Rodr.) Kuntze Synonym H WCSP
Atitara cuyabaensis (Barb.Rodr.) Barb.Rodr. Synonym H WCSP
Atitara drudeana Kuntze Synonym H WCSP
Atitara horrida (Splitg. ex Mart.) Kuntze Synonym H WCSP
Atitara lophacantha (Mart.) Barb.Rodr. Synonym H WCSP
Atitara macrocarpa (Barb.Rodr.) Barb.Rodr. Synonym H WCSP
Atitara major (Crueg. ex Griseb.) Kuntze Synonym H WCSP
Atitara orthacantha (Mart.) Kuntze Synonym H WCSP
Atitara orthacanthos (Mart.) Barb. Rodr. Synonym M TRO
Atitara palustris (Trail) Kuntze Synonym H WCSP
Atitara prostrata (Lindm.) Barb.Rodr. Synonym H WCSP
Atitara rudenta (Mart.) Barb.Rodr. Synonym H WCSP
Desmoncus angustisectus Burret Synonym H WCSP
Desmoncus apureanus L.H.Bailey Synonym H WCSP
Desmoncus ataxacanthus Barb.Rodr. Synonym H WCSP
Desmoncus brittonii L.H.Bailey Synonym H WCSP
Desmoncus cuyabaensis Barb.Rodr. Synonym H WCSP
Desmoncus demeraranus L.H.Bailey & H.E.Moore Synonym H WCSP
Desmoncus hartii L.H.Bailey Synonym H WCSP
Desmoncus horridus Splitg. ex Mart. Synonym H WCSP
Desmoncus horridus subsp. apureanus (L.H. Bailey) A.J. Hend. Synonym L TRO
Desmoncus horridus subsp. palustris (Trail) A.J. Hend. Synonym L TRO
Desmoncus horridus subsp. prostratus (Lindm.) A.J. Hend. Synonym L TRO
Desmoncus huebneri Burret Synonym H WCSP
Desmoncus kuhlmannii Burret Synonym H WCSP
Desmoncus leptochaete Burret Synonym H WCSP
Desmoncus longifolius Mart. Synonym H WCSP
Desmoncus lophacanthos Mart. Synonym H WCSP
Desmoncus luetzelburgii Burret Synonym H WCSP
Desmoncus macrocarpus Barb.Rodr. Synonym H WCSP
Desmoncus major Crueg. ex Griseb. Synonym H WCSP
Desmoncus melanacanthos Mart. ex Drude Synonym H WCSP
Desmoncus multijugus Steyerm. Synonym H WCSP
Desmoncus myriacanthos Dugand Synonym H WCSP
Desmoncus orthacanthos var. mitis Drude Synonym L WCSP
Desmoncus orthacanthos var. trailianus Drude Synonym L WCSP
Desmoncus palustris Trail Synonym H WCSP
Desmoncus prostratus Lindm. Synonym H WCSP
Desmoncus rudentum Mart. Synonym H WCSP
Desmoncus tobagonis L.H.Bailey Synonym H WCSP
Desmoncus velezii L.H.Bailey Synonym H WCSP
Desmoncus werdermannii Burret Synonym H WCSP
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Earlier versions

This name was in version 1 of The Plant List, record kew-60404.

  • this name record has not changed
  • names related to this name have changed